あなたと一緒に8年目のデモショックを祝おう! December 01-02, 2018 3331 Arts Chiyoda • Tokyo, Japan


The official Tokyo Demo Fest 2018 results can be found here.


Tokyo Demo Fest is a demoparty: an event dedicated to digital art expression. Watch seminars, learn from others, share knowledge, watch demos, make music, make demos, get creative, compete, share your passion and make friends!

Tokyo Demo Fest will be held during two days on December 01-02, 2018 at the 3331 Arts Chiyoda, in Tokyo.
For those who cannot come, a live streaming will be available on Twitch.


3331 Arts Chiyoda
(This is the same location as last year!)

The event will be held in a hall roughly the area of medium-sized European demoparties. Needless to say, the partyplace features a massive screen for showing productions. Also, you are welcome to bring food and drinks from outside, so you can enjoy demos while having, and maybe sharing, delicacies. (That being said this is a demoparty, not a cooking party, so please don't bring your stove or microwave. :) )

6-11-14 Sotokanda Chiyoda-Ku Tokyo 101-0021

  • 1 min. from Tokyo Metro Ginza Line Suehirocho station (Exit 4)
  • 3 min. from Tokyo Metro Chiyoda Line Yushima station (Exit 6)
  • 6 min. from Toei Oedo Line Ueno-Okachimachi station (Exit A1)
  • 7 min. from JR Okachimachi station (Southern Exit)
  • 8 min. from JR Akihabara station (Electric City Exit)

Party place map: Way to the reception


Register Now

Coming Without a Ticket

How to Cancel Your Registration


2018 / 12 / 01 (Sat)

  • 13:00
    Doors Open
  • 13:30
    Opening Ceremony
  • 14:00
    Seminar: TDF Howto by TDF Organizer
  • 15:00
    Graphics/Music/Wild Deadline
  • 15:00
    Seminar: READY FOR THE BATTLE? -Introduction to Live Coding- by amagi
  • 16:00
    Event: Shader Live Coding Battle
  • 17:00
    Graphics Compo
  • 17:30
    Music Compo
  • 18:30
    Wild Compo
  • 19:00
    Live Act: Otaku Boi LIVE Show
  • 19:30
    DJ Event: DJ by Chibi-tech / VJ by notargs
  • 21:00
    Doors Close

2018 / 12 / 02 (Sun)

  • 10:00
    Doors Open
  • 11:00
    Demoshow: Best of demoscene2018
  • 13:00
    GLSL/Demo Deadline
  • 13:00
    Panel discussion: Demoscene in Japan
  • 14:30
    Seminar: PICO-8 short seminar by zep @ lexaloffle
  • 15:30
    DJ Event: DJ by FL1NE / VJ by Kaiware
  • 16:30
    GLSL Compo
  • 17:30
    Demo Compo
  • 19:00
    Vote Deadline
  • 19:30
    Prizegiving / Closing Ceremony
  • 20:30
    Doors close

The schedule might change without notice.


Tokyo Demo Fest Tutorial

Speaker: Tokyo Demo Fest Organizer

Aimed at the TDF first time visitors, this talk will present the events to expect at the party, how to participate to the competitions and how to vote for them.


Food table (At any time)

TDF supporters

Let's make Tokyo Demo Fest the once in a year awesome demoparty. What's better to socialize than a meal and a drink? In 2016, some visitors had this simple yet fabulous idea to put some food on a table with a sign "free for everyone, bring more food". Soon enough, the real party was at the food table. Let's do this again this year!


Please see the timetable for the deadlines and when the competitions will be held. Visitors will be able to submit their entries through the party intranet.

Remote entries are allowed and will be voted upon along with all other entries submitted at the party place, but you can win a prize only if you can attend the ceremony.

Remote entry deadline is until 2018.11.29 24:00(JST)

Compo Rules

General Rules

Compo Machine

The compo entries will be run on the following hardware

Combined PC Demo Compo

The competition for the highest-performing Windows-based demos. These are the following subcategories:

PC Demo

PC 64K Intro

PC 4K Intro

WebGL Demo

Wild Compo

A competition for entries that do not fit within the Combined PC Compo, the Graphics Compo, or the Music Compo.

These are the following subcategories:

Animation / Movie

Short films, or any pre-rendered movies.

Customized / Oldskool Hardware

Demos running on custom-built or older hardware.

iOS / Android demo

Bring either the actual device, or a video capture of the demo.

Amiga Demo

Bring either the actual device, or a video capture of the demo. Organizers will have a Amiga 1200 + Blizzard card available. If your production works on an Amiga 1200, we will use it.

GLSL Graphics Compo

A GLSL fragment Shader displaying a graphical demo.

Here are some tutorials on getting started with GLSL if you need:

Combined Music Compo

This is the compo for musical entries.

Tracked Music

Streaming Music

Executable Music

Combined Graphics Compo

The competition for single-image graphics entries.

PC 4k graphics

Freestyle Graphics




For questions about the compos, refunds, or any other questions in general, please contact us at this email address:


Join us on the chat service Discord here: https://discord.gg/nRYF8p6.



Tokyo Demo Fest wouldn't be possible without the help and support from sponsors. We are looking for more sponsors to ensure a great edition: contact us.




