Tokyo Demo Fest is a demoparty: an event dedicated to digital art expression. Watch seminars, learn from others, share knowledge, watch demos, make music, make demos, get creative, compete, share your passion and make friends!
Tokyo Demo Fest will be held during two days on December 11-12, 2021 at the a live streaming will be available on Youtube.
Compo DEADLINE is December 3, 2021(Fri) 23:59(JST)

Invitation Demo
Entry Download / Official Results
The official Tokyo Demo Fest 2021 results are available here: https://tokyodemofest.jp/tdf2021-results.txt
All of the entries for Tokyo Demo Fest 2021 can be downloaded from our friends at scene.org here: https://files.scene.org/browse/parties/2021/tokyodemofest21/
The livestream recording for Day 1 is here: https://youtu.be/2s9KfMn1J9M
The livestream recording for Day 2 is here: https://youtu.be/bp37xTVNRrM
Tokyo Demo Fest 2021 is over and ticket/T-shirt sales have ended. Thank you to everyone who helped support us!
Notation based on the Specified Commercial Transactions Law (Japanese)
Entry deadline is 2021/12/3 23:59(JST)
Entry submission has closed! Huge thanks to everyone for their entries!
The schedule might change without notice.
Seminar1: レイマーチング1から5
Speaker: 0b5vr
Hello! I'm 0b5vr, a Live Coding VTuber. 🍅🍜 Have you finished your first sphere repetition with raymarching and wondering what to do next? I will introduce a lot of recommended techniques to you! Perhaps it might even be perfect for knowing the highlights of the Shader Showdown...? Please come and watch, everyone! ❤️
Seminar2: Fantasy Machines and Demos
Speaker: zep
Most of the old hardware that we know and love is an accident of history; a product of the few chaotic decades it took to go from the varied charms of early home computing to roughly what we have now. Can we make new old-fashioned machines that are interesting to program and design for? Do they need to physically exist, or even be plausible?
PICO-8 is an attempt to answer these questions in a lazy way: it is a program that turns your fancy modern computer into a crappy old computer. This session gives a quick tour of demos made for PICO-8 and other fantasy machines, along with some notes on its design and evolution over the last 6 years.
Seminar3: PC 4K Intro minify テクニック by よっしん
Speaker: yosshin
For demos, there is a category called an intro that focuses on creating demos with file size constraints.
When working under these file size constraints, it's difficult to use existing library engines or luxury assets, leaving only the pure skills of the creator that can be relied on.
This session summarizes file size reduction techniques that are specific to creating a 4KB demo for Windows PCs.
Seminar4: The history of TDF ~ Japanese demoscene ~
Speaker: kioku/yosshin/zavie/FL1NE/gam0022/sadakkey
Beginning in 2011, Tokyo Demo Fest celebrated it's 10th anniversary in 2021. The demoscene, which was thought to have never existed in Japan until then, actually had a very close culture. At Tokyo Demo Fest, various people gather, meet, and release new works. In this seminar, we will explain the transition of Japanese computer culture before TDF, the history of TDF and its charm, and explore the inner workings and secrets by those who go on to win first place in the TDF Demo compo.
Shader showdown
What is Shader Showdown?
Given a time limit of 25 minutes, two opponents compete against each other by creating a shader using their own shader techniques. Visitors vote for which shader is better, and the opponent with the most votes wins that tournament.
Matches are performed using GLSL live coding. Using an app called Bonzomatic, the complete shader code and cursor position are streamed in realtime from the opponent, and visitors can watch to see just how and what strategies the opponent will use while writing their code within the 25 minute time limit just as if they were sitting right next to you. At TDF, commentators will explain in realtime what the opponents are doing with their code so that you can enjoy it without detailed knowledge of GLSL live coding.

The tournament:

Commentator: amagi, doxas, hirai, murasaqi
DJ: lug00ber / VJ: flopine
We invite you to get up from your couch and enjoy a moment of chill with an exquisite set of select music from demoscene musicians by lug00ber, with tasty live crafted visuals from flopine. The beats and the pixels will massage your ears and retina, and relieve you from the stress of meeting deadlines.
Coming from Oslo, Norway, lug00ber is veteran of sound making and the demoscene, and a member of the legendary demogroup Spaceballs. Crafting chill and powerful beats for nearly two decades, he releases music under Dub Monkey Records and Nordic Breakbeat Conspiracy, and is the author of over a hundred demos soundtracks. As a DJ, he has performed at many demoparties and other events.
Flopine is a demoscener and a PhD student in digital art at the Paris VIII University, within INRéV research team. When she first met the demoscene community in 2016, she got hooked and started to practice live shader coding. She quickly fell down the rabbit hole and merged both her artistic experience and her thesis to the action of coding the image. An activity she practices either as a performer during concert, live coding battles or for educational purposes by sharing her code. She is also a member of the Cookie Collective, an organization which promotes real time digital art by organizing free price events and streams.
- Combined Graphics compo
- Combined Music compo
- Wild compo
- GLSL Graphics compo
- Combined demo compo
Compo Rules
General Rules
- The work must be your own original creations. No arranged or covers of others works without permission will not be accepted.
- All entries will be published to the demoscene sites Scene.org and Pouet.net. If you do not give us permission to publish your work, your entry will not be shown at the party.
- All entries must work on the compo machine.
- All entries must work with the projection system at the party.
- All demos are required to exit immediately upon pressing either the Esc key or Alt-F4.
- The latest video drivers available at the time will be installed on the compo machine.
- The latest DirectX 11 runtime will be installed on the compo machine.
- The DirectX SDK will NOT be installed -- only the runtime.
- The latest .NET Framework 4.5 runtime will be installed on the compo machine.
- Any folders below the "Library" folder (My Pictures, My Music, My Documents, etc.) will be deleted from the compo machine.
- No extra runtimes or libraries will be installed on the compo machine.
- DOS, Linux, or Mac demos are not supported and will not be run in a VM. However, you can submit them to the Wild compo (along with a video capture, please).
- If any of the above requirements are not met, or if the organizers detect unfair play, then that entry will be disqualified.
- Please include at least a screenshot of your entry to be used during the voting, and for publishing.
Compo Machine
The compo entries will be run on the following hardware
- Windows 10 64 bit
- Intel Core i7-10700K (2.9GHz/max 4.8GHz; 8 cores)
- 64GB RAM (DDR4-2666)
- GeForce RTX 3070 (VRAM 8GB)
- Native resolution: 1920x1080 (16:9)
Combined PC Demo Compo
The competition for the highest-performing Windows-based demos. These are the following subcategories:
PC Demo
- A video/audio animation rendered in realtime running on PC.
- The uncompressed total size of all files must not exceed 1GB.
- Maximum running time (minus load time): 10 minutes
- Maximum loading time: 1 minute
- Simply displaying a pre-rendered movie is not acceptable.
PC 64K Intro
- A video/audio animation rendered in realtime running on PC.
- The intro file size must fit within 65536 bytes.
- Maximum running time (minus load time): 10 minutes
- Maximum loading time: 1 minute
- Simply displaying a pre-rendered movie is not acceptable.
PC 4K Intro
- A video/audio animation rendered in realtime running on PC.
- The intro file size must fit within 4096 bytes.
- Maximum loading/precalculation time: 1 minute
- Maximum running time (minus load/precalc time): 10 minutes. Anything lasting over 5 minutes will be terminated early.
- Any other smaller entries (PC 1K Intro, etc.) will be combined into this compo.
WebGL Demo
- A video/audio animation rendered in realtime running in a web browser (latest Chrome).
- The uncompressed total size of all files must not exceed 1GB.
- Maximum running time (minus load time): 10 minutes
- Maximum loading time: 1 minute
- Simply displaying a pre-rendered movie is not acceptable.
- Fullscreen mode must be supported.
Wild Compo
A competition for entries that do not fit within the Combined PC Compo, the Graphics Compo, or the Music Compo.
- A video capture (AVI, MPG, MP4, whatever is playable with VLC) is required.
- Maximum showing time: 5 minutes. Any entries over 5 minutes will be terminated early, so providing an additional shortened video is acceptable.
- Highest resolution: 1920x1080
These are the following subcategories:
Animation / Movie
Short films, or any pre-rendered movies.
Customized / Oldskool Hardware
Demos running on custom-built or older hardware.
iOS / Android demo
Bring either the actual device, or a video capture of the demo.
Amiga Demo
Bring either the actual device, or a video capture of the demo.
GLSL Graphics Compo
A GLSL fragment Shader displaying a graphical demo.
- All entries will be shown using GLSL sandbox.
- The latest version of the Chrome browser will be used.
- Including animation via 'uniform float time;' is allowed.
- There is no limit to the number of lines of code.
- Please submit your entry as a text file (.txt) inside a zip.
Here are some tutorials on getting started with GLSL if you need:
Combined Music Compo
This is the compo for musical entries.
- Any genre of music is allowed.
- Maximum playing time: 5 minutes. Any entries over 5 minutes will be terminated early, so providing an additional shortened music version is acceptable.
Tracked Music
- Supported playback formats: XM, IT, S3M, MOD
- Maximum file size: 2MB
- Entries will be played using the latest XMPlay.
- Unless you want specific playback settings, the following will be used:
- MOD: No Interpolation, No Ramping, 50% Stereo Separation, normal MOD playback mode
- S3M/XM/IT: Sinc Interpolation, Sensitive Ramping, 50% Stereo Separation
Streaming Music
- Supported playback formats: MP3, OGG
- A bitrate of at least 192kbps is recommended.
- Entries will be played using the latest VLC.
Executable Music
- Executable music must fit within a single executable file (.exe).
- Maximum file size: 64KB
Combined Graphics Compo
The competition for single-image graphics entries.
PC 4k graphics
- Entries must consist of a single 4KB executable file (.exe) and render a graphical image.
- Only this single executable file may be used.
- Resources/data cannot be loaded from outside the executable.
- Maximum file size: 4096 bytes
- Maximum loading/precalculation time: 1 minute
Freestyle Graphics
- Entries are welcome to use any tools necessary to create the image.
- All entries will be displayed using the latest version of irfanview.
- Lossless compression formats (such as PNG) are recommended.
- Any steps of the creation process leading up to the final image can be included with the entry.
- Entries are limited to photographs taken with a camera.
- Interesting photos will have good results. Your average snap won't make the cut.
- If you make a collage, please include all original photo files along with the entry.
For questions about the compos, refunds, or any other questions in general, please contact us at
email address:
Tokyo Demo Fest wouldn't be possible without the help and support from sponsors. We are looking for more sponsors to ensure a great edition: contact us.